EP 53: Fighting the Fire For Sobriety- Pat Shea

by | Aug 23, 2023 | PODCAST

In this episode of Beyond the 1st Response, Christy and Ciara talk with Firefighter Pat Shea about his rock bottom and how he has dedicated himself to getting healthy, and how to help others.

The Injury

Pat, a former Firefighter for Little Rock Arkansas fire department, was injured on the job; from there his life tumbled out of control, to the point of no longer being a fireman and losing everything to addiction. Pat met the demons of addiction, and fought his way back to sobriety, and is now a Firefighter with the Las Vegas Fire Department. While actively speaking about his addiction and struggle in hopes to help others. Not just with his fellow firefighters but on active calls in his community, in his hometown, and proudly on the podcast.    

Speaking Out

Like many others Pat has seen how crucial it is to be speaking out so our first responders see that it is ok to not be ok. It is ok to ask for help. His life changed the day that one person picked up the phone and he asked for help. It is hard work, but he won’t ever give up; and wants people to know that regardless of being a cop, a firefighter, an EMT, or a dispatcher that you should be supported when asking for help. No matter what your struggle is, there should always be support and someone to help and listen.  

Beyond the 1st Response Show Links:

IAFF Center of Excellence – It’s Okay to Ask For Help 

1-844-525-3473 Firefighter Suicide Hotline

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Pat Shea


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